Voting “Yes” on State Referendum A will benefit Habitat Rabun by granting us an exemption from property taxes on our vacant lots--saving us $1,000 a year!
Long Term Benefits to Habitat Rabun
• Rabun County will make more money in the long-run once a home is constructed on the vacant property.
Over 70% of Habitat homeowners decrease or get off of government assistance altogether.
Children of Habitat homeowners show marked increases in educational performance.
Other Questions
Q: Will the homeowner end up paying property taxes?
A: Yes! The homeowner will pay property taxes on their home based on whatever calculation the local municipality uses—just like any other homeowner.
Q: Will private developers be able to exploit this?
A: No. The exemption only applies to charities who 1) are 501(c)(3), 2) hold the land exclusively for building purposes, and 3) finance homes themselves at 0% interest.
Q: Does Habitat have any other legislative objectives in the coming year?
A: The need for affordable homeownership in Georgia is greater than ever. We hope the legislature will continue to support low-cost homeownership but do not have specific legislation we are promoting at this time.
If you have further questions about State Referendum A, please click here.